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About me

Hey there, I’m Gavin! This website is where I share stock analyses as well as my journey in investing. Do take note that whatever I share is not a buy or sell call, and is purely just me sharing my thoughts. If you like what I do, please do support me by visiting and sharing my page often whenever I post my stock analyses.

Since the start of my investment journey in 2019, I have changed my investment strategy various times, starting with Value Investing (Cigar Butt Investing) to Dividend Growth Investing to High Growth Investing. Each of these strategies has its own pros and cons but at my current stage of investing, I am at a mixture of High Growth Investing (Tech) + Income Investing but not from Dividends but rather, Crypto Staking.

P.S. I’m running a telegram chat group for you guys to share and discuss investment-related topics so come on in! I’ll be there too! You can join the chat here:

Affiliate Links and Reviews


uSMART: Referral code (nylw5n) uSMART Finally Comes To Singapore! Check Out The New Broker In Town
Syfe: Referral code (SGSMI) Syfe – The All-In-One Investment Platform That Is Suited For All Types Of Investors

Crypto Review: Here Is Everything You Need To Know in 2021

Investment Tools

StocksCafe: Looking For An Online Portfolio Tracker? Use StocksCafe!
TIKR: TIKR, The 1 Stop Platform To Do All Your Stock Market Research On
Strike.Market: Strike.Market – The Best Platform with Alternative Data for Investors